
„Produktinnovation in Glas" awarded at Trendtag Glas 2023.

The main prize in the category "medium-sized and large companies" for "Produktinnovation in Glas" went this year to the sparkling wine Godefroy von Mumm from Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien, which was launched in March this year. The award ceremony has been held for ten years now. Every year the Aktionsforum Glasverpackung honours particularly innovative products packaged in glass.

Our bottle design for Mumm sparkling wine Godefroy wins the main prize.

As part of Trendtag Glas, which took place on 28 September 2023 in Hamburg at the Museum der Arbeit, the winning trophies have been presented to the winners. The Möbiusband in glass went to the sparkling wine Godefroy von Mumm, whose varietal sparkling wine is a tribute to the founder Godefroy H. von Mumm. The bottle design was developed by Wiegand-Glas: A deep-set bottle body and long, slender neck that exudes elegance and high quality, according to the official jury statement. Particularly strikingly positioned on the front is also an embossing with the initials of the Mumm founder, which is modelled on a wax seal. Congratulations to all involved! (Foto: Aktionsforum Glasverpackung/Ulrich Perrey)